The iCon Group : Thailand's No.1 Online Company
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The tale of life transformation: The Bird King

The tale of life transformation: The Bird King

The Phoenix bird lives up to 70 years, but around its 40th year, changes begin to occur. Its beak grows bent and hooked, making it difficult to pick up things. Its claws become embedded in its flesh and its feathers thicken, making it difficult to fly. This period of discomfort and agony lasts for around 150 days.

Decision-making in 2 minutes versus the wheel of life for successful people.

Decision-making in 2 minutes versus the wheel of life for successful people.

Most of us make decisions to change ourselves in just 2 minutes: crisis and vision. There is a wheel of life that we use to examine our lives each day to balance our lives, consisting of six dimensions. These six dimensions will vary according to our qualifications and experiences.

Don't be afraid to change.

Don't be afraid to change.

Since the arrival of COVID-19, online businesses have grown significantly compared to other businesses that have had to partially close. However, running an online business does not guarantee success within a day, a month, or even a year, especially for those who don't fully understand it.

The successful focus on developing strengths rather than fixing weaknesses.

The successful focus on developing strengths rather than fixing weaknesses.

Online and On Ground are both 'avenues for conducting business,' where each individual may have different strengths. The crucial first step is to develop one's strengths. Then, subsequently work on improving the weaker areas.

The Life-Changing Story: The Millionaire and the Green Color

The Life-Changing Story: The Millionaire and the Green Color

If we are dissatisfied with something, what we should fix is "ourselves," not the environment around us. Because whenever we can fix ourselves, the environment around us will change accordingly.

Fable of Life Transformation: The Hospitable Water Jar

Fable of Life Transformation: The Hospitable Water Jar

Every one of us is imperfect. We should acknowledge our weaknesses and develop our strengths. Sometimes, our weaknesses may complement certain aspects within our team, making it stronger. However, it's important to recognize our own worth, knowing that we always have value.

The story of a Farmer and the Aged Ox

The story of a Farmer and the Aged Ox

If we refuse to allow that problem to overwhelm us and instead use it to make ourselves better, little by little, or put it simply, if we rise above the problem or solve it, it will make us better every time we encounter a problem.

Fable: The Two Angels

Fable: The Two Angels

We reap what we sow. If we cultivate seeds of diligence, patience, and learning, by putting in the effort every day, we will harvest the tree of success. However, if we plant seeds of impatience, lack of dedication, disbelief, laziness, ignorance, and fail to earnestly act, we will yield the tree of failure.

The Life-Changing Story: The Chinese Bamboo Tree.

The Life-Changing Story: The Chinese Bamboo Tree.

Building a life is similar to growing a Chinese bamboo tree. The Chinese bamboo tree takes time, about 5 years, to grow underground before it shoots up and becomes visible. And in just 5 weeks, it can grow up to 27 meters tall all at once.

Life Transformation Tale: Which Path Will You Choose?

Life Transformation Tale: Which Path Will You Choose?

Many decisions in life may not lead us directly to our goals, but even if we choose wrongly, we can always choose again. In truth, the greatest risk is not making any decision or taking any action at all.

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