The iCon Group : Thailand's No.1 Online Company
An Authorized Dealer of The iCon Group company


Passport To Success

Passport To Success

There is a saying that goes, "We want to be like someone, so we associate ourselves with those kinds of people." Want to be rich? Then associate with wealthy people. Want to be happy? Associate with happy people. Want to be successful? Associate with successful people. Want to excel online? Associate with those who excel online. And if we don't want to be like someone, then we shouldn't associate with those kinds of people.



Partner or business associates. Why do we need to have partners when in reality, we can succeed on our own? However, it will only be a certain level of success because no one is perfect or excellent at everything or knows everything. But we can have a perfect team by combining the strengths of each individual to build a cohesive team.

Contractual Intern

Contractual Intern

It's been a while, when will it be completed? If we ask ourselves this question, that although we've been doing this business for a long time, why hasn't it succeeded yet? The answer is, 'It takes as long as we are willing to change our own habits.'

You don't know that you don't know

You don't know that you don't know

The most significant enemy for us is ourselves, and the greatest treasure lies within ourselves. When we accept that we don't know, let's open our hearts to others who know and let them guide us to where the treasure within us lies.

The success indicator

The success indicator

In order to determine if we can proceed in this business, the first thing we need to measure is ourselves. Regarding the team, it's crucial to continuously seek the right individuals, develop them, and retain them. Those who come in must integrate into a system of learning from successful individuals. If they operate outside this system, the chances of success are significantly reduced because true success usually emerges from following such a system.

Life-changing Fable: The Newbie Hen

Life-changing Fable: The Newbie Hen

When we get excited about any news without verifying it first, and then pass it on to our team or clients, in the end, we might lose our entire team. This happens because as newcomers without much prior experience, we can be susceptible to such actions.

The Heart of an Entrepreneur

The Heart of an Entrepreneur

The dividing line between a professional entrepreneur and a professional employee is going above and beyond the wages or monetary compensation received.

Life-changing Tale: The Person Searching in the Water

Life-changing Tale: The Person Searching in the Water

Are we working solely for money at present? As long as we have time, energy, and our intellectual capabilities, we can earn money. However, when we no longer have time, energy, or our intellectual capabilities, we will not have any income.

Life Turnaround Tale: The Dog and the Shadow

Life Turnaround Tale: The Dog and the Shadow

When greed meets foolishness, it can lead us to lose what we already have.



Have you ever wondered why we all have the same 24 hours in a day, yet the outcomes in our lives differ? Some people have a worse starting point than us, whether it's their family background, the society they live in, their level of education, or the money in their pockets. Yet, they have a better quality of life than us.

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