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Essential Leadership Skills Every Leader Should Know

Essential Leadership Skills Every Leader Should Know

The primary essential skills that a leader must possess include communication skills, body language, self-control, and these also encompass presenting oneself across various social channels. These act as virtual representations of who we are.

Life-Changing Tale: The General and the Child

Life-Changing Tale: The General and the Child

Do not entrust your life to someone without experience or knowledge. Some people believe in the words of strangers, causing their own lives to plummet due to greed or desire. Others give up after doing a little something, claiming that nothing is good. In the end, they may be good but not successful. You have to be persistent.

Establishing the Root of Success

Establishing the Root of Success

The people who come to do anything new for them, at first, they have a belief like a grain of sand. It's light, just a gentle blow, and it flies away. There is a very light belief, both in self-confidence, in business, in products, in companies... etc. When they are hit by the mouth of someone who hasn't succeeded, it flies away very easily.

You will be what you think.

You will be what you think.

I want to know how the future will be. It's not hard to see, just look at how we are now. Are we cowardly, lazy, or reluctant? Or are we starting to be someone new, trying to be a person who learns, who continuously gets involved? If we do this consistently, our future life will undoubtedly improve.

Success first" doesn't necessarily mean "more successful.

Success first" doesn't necessarily mean "more successful.

This business is a long-term venture, just like our regular jobs. We don't stop after one day or one month. Therefore, we have to gradually accumulate success. It starts with small successes and accumulates various skills every day.

3P Conquering Life's Crisis

3P Conquering Life's Crisis

Depending on the type of people we associate with, the information we consume, ultimately defines the kind of person we become. Therefore, if we mingle with successful, talented, and wealthy individuals, someday we will become wealthy, successful, and accomplished individuals just like those we surround ourselves with and follow.

The Life-Changing Tale: Refusal to Bend, Refusal to Break

The Life-Changing Tale: Refusal to Bend, Refusal to Break

Sometimes we have to be a little foolish to preserve our own lives and our team.

The Tale of "The Millionaire and the Black Stone"

The Tale of "The Millionaire and the Black Stone"

Solving a problem always has more than just one or two ways. If we think outside the box and remove ourselves from the problem, we might discover several other solutions upon closer inspection.

A good question is worth more than a correct answer.

A good question is worth more than a correct answer.

If we don't have tomorrow, what will we do today? Many might answer to be with family or loved ones. Indeed, if we are with them, we must bring happiness to them. So, what success do we have today to offer to our family or loved ones?

Leadership profession

Leadership profession

Learning from successful people a little bit each day is better than spending a lifetime figuring it out on your own. The most accurate indicator is the results achieved by our seniors in that profession.

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