The iCon Group : Thailand's No.1 Online Company
An Authorized Dealer of The iCon Group company


Thinking positively and thinking big are not as important as thinking right.

Thinking positively and thinking big are not as important as thinking right.

"Thoughts" are one crucial factor for our success, which is why there's a saying that we should be positive thinkers, think big, but the most important aspect is to "think right."

Enroll No Enforce

Enroll No Enforce

"Enroll" is to persuade or encourage someone to take action, while the term "Enforce" is to compel or force someone to take action. The two are different, and to encourage action, it is better to choose "Enroll" rather than forcing it through "Enforce."

Road Map to Success

Road Map to Success

In The iCon Group, there are three levels of representatives within the retail category. Across all three levels, the company doesn't require us to hold onto the products but emphasizes the importance of holding onto people. This is because if we become a Supervisor or Dealer, it indicates our intention to either run a business or to grow within this industry.

The word 'underestimate' is the fuel of success.

The word 'underestimate' is the fuel of success.

Knowledge comes from hands-on experience. The first year of online sales will be the most exhausting, especially if we continue with our regular job and engage in online work simultaneously. Besides our usual responsibilities, we need to learn new things along with putting them into practice.

3 Components of Life Transformation

3 Components of Life Transformation

Some claim they have no time. In reality, each of us on this planet has the same 24 hours a day. Successful individuals manage their time to achieve what they desire. In contrast, those who are not successful don't know how to manage their time, and, in the end, time manages their lives.

5 Skills That Will Lead You to Success

5 Skills That Will Lead You to Success

If today you were to rate your success in what you do, on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest, how would you rate yourself?

The starting point of success.

The starting point of success.

No matter what goals we set, there is one equation that will lead us to achieve those goals. That equation is Action = Result

How can one make life only better?

How can one make life only better?

How our world will be today depends on what we focus on. If we focus on the goal, our goal will be clear, and the problems will be blurred. But if we focus on the problems, the problems will be big, and our goal will be blurry. Therefore, whether our life goes up or down depends on what we focus on.

How to turn defeat into victory in life?

How to turn defeat into victory in life?

People like the word 'win' because winners are remembered and admired by people. On the other hand, those who lose do not receive recognition and are not remembered. However, in reality, no one wins throughout their life, and no one loses throughout their life either.

Choosing the people you associate with is crucial, no matter the scale of your life.

Choosing the people you associate with is crucial, no matter the scale of your life.

Successful people on a global scale, such as Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and many others, may share certain qualities, but there's another crucial aspect: the people they associate with. Whether it's their close companions, friends, or even their team, the company they keep is of paramount importance.

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