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Whether it's this meal or any other, be confident that you're getting complete nutrition.

Whether it's this meal or any other, be confident that you're getting complete nutrition.

With Zip Whey Protein Plus, a drinkable powdered whey protein format that comes with complete nutrients from all 5 food groups, you can confidently replace hurried meals with ease and comfort. Simply mix 1 sachet with a glass of plain water for a delicious and easy-to-enjoy banana milk flavor inspired by Korea.

Whether it's this meal or any other, and whether you're managing your weight or looking to enhance muscle strength, you can trust in this reliable whey protein sachet – Zip Whey Protein Plus from The iCon Group.

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To build muscle, you need to consume enough protein.

To build muscle, you need to consume enough protein.

Because muscle building requires more protein than what is obtained from regular daily meals, you need a good assistant like Zip Whey Protein Plus.

Zip Whey Protein, a protein supplement you can trust.

Zip Whey Protein, a protein supplement you can trust.

Control weight, build muscles, for the health you desire in the way you want.

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Shaping the body is not just about losing weight.

Because having good health involves an efficient metabolism, which is achieved by building muscle. It's like having a calorie-burning furnace. Even if you are slim but lack muscle, it's like the body is missing its furnace. Eating less without building muscle is akin to having a body without a calorie-burning furnace, making it easy to regain weight.

Zip Whey Protein Plus is delicious and provides the benefits of whey protein.

Zip Whey Protein Plus is delicious and provides the benefits of whey protein.

With the Korean banana milk flavor that comes with the nutritional benefits of whey protein from the USA, Zip Whey Protein Plus also contains a Fiber Complex, serving as a prebiotic dietary fiber beneficial for the digestive system. Additionally, it includes over 70 essential minerals crucial for the body.