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Boom Vit-C is more than just regular vitamin C.

Boom Vit-C is more than just regular vitamin C.
Because vitamin C is a common household vitamin, an essential foundation for health care that cannot be overlooked. Good vitamin C should have the following properties:
  • Helps boost the immune system
  • Prevents and alleviates cold symptoms
  • Reduces allergy symptoms
  • Promotes collagen production
  • Antioxidant properties for clear and radiant skin
  • Reduces dark spots and makes the skin look younger
Boom Vit C has gathered the benefits of natural extracts and other vitamins for comprehensive health care all in one place:
  • Better absorption than synthetic vitamin C
  • Provides nutrients beyond vitamin C
  • Does not damage tooth enamel, does not cause tooth decay
  • Non-irritating to the digestive system
For easy, convenient, and quick health care, enrich your body with Boom Vit C.

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Vitamin C is good for the body's immune system.

Vitamin C is good for the body's immune system.

With frequent changes in the air and the looming threat of illnesses and fevers.

Provide Vitamin C for the immune system of your loved ones.

Provide Vitamin C for the immune system of your loved ones.

Vitamin C, the starting point for health care and immune system reinforcement, especially in this era where we need to take full care of our health to stay safe from various diseases.

Boom Vit C has high levels of vitamin C.

Boom Vit C has high levels of vitamin C.

Boom Vit C contains extracts from acerola cherry, with vitamin C levels 30-80 times higher than oranges, to strengthen the immune system.

The frequent changes in weather like this require Boom Vit-C to boost immunity, you know.

The frequent changes in weather like this require Boom Vit-C to boost immunity, you know.

At times it's hot, at times it's raining, and there's pollution and risks of diseases around us. Don't get distracted by other things and forget to take care of yourself.

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Boom Vit C

Boom Vit C

Boom Vit C Boom Vitamin C Complex is a vitamin C supplement. Vitamin C is an essential vitamin that the body needs and cannot synthesize on its own; it must be obtained from food, vegetables, and fruits. Boom Vit C is a good and body-friendly choice.

590 THB. 299 THB.