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Boom Vit C has more than just vitamin C.

Boom Vit C has more than just vitamin C.

Because it's a natural vitamin C and includes other essential vitamins such as A, B, and D3.

  • Acerola Cherry
  • Citrus Bioflavonoids
  • Grape Seed Extract
  • Siberian Ginseng Extract
  • Alpha-Lipoic Acid

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Take vitamin C after breakfast to strengthen your immune system effectively.

Take vitamin C after breakfast to strengthen your immune system effectively.

With Boom Vit-C, a vitamin C complex that includes natural vitamin C from extracts, as well as vitamins B1, B6, B12, and D3 provided.

Good health starts easily with vitamin C.

Good health starts easily with vitamin C.

Boom Vit-C is a vitamin C complex that includes important vitamins such as C, B1, B6, B12, and D3 crucial for boosting the immune system.

Add freshness to fortify your immunity with Boom Vit C this New Year.

Add freshness to fortify your immunity with Boom Vit C this New Year.

During this New Year, infuse freshness and fortify your body's immunity with high-quality vitamin C from Boom Vit C. This complex vitamin C gathers various natural extracts alongside vitamins B and D, each encapsulated with fats to maximize absorption and utilization.

Good health starts easily with this pouch.

Good health starts easily with this pouch.

Because this is Boom Vit-C, an extraordinary vitamin C extracted from natural ingredients that provide high-quality vitamin C, along with AHA, and vitamins B1, B12, and D3.

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Boom Vit C

Boom Vit C

Boom Vit C Boom Vitamin C Complex is a vitamin C supplement. Vitamin C is an essential vitamin that the body needs and cannot synthesize on its own; it must be obtained from food, vegetables, and fruits. Boom Vit C is a good and body-friendly choice.

590 THB. 299 THB.