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Open up a new dimension with the quality value of extracted substances in Boom toothpaste.

Open up a new dimension with the quality value of extracted substances in Boom toothpaste.

With natural extracts that aid in oral and dental health care, meticulously selected for their premium quality, to be a toothpaste specifically for you.

  • Camomile: Helps combat inflammation in the mouth, throat, skin, and assists in wound healing.
  • Propolis: Can fight against bacteria, fungi, and viruses that cause coughs and sore throats.
  • Japanese persimmon: Helps reduce oral bacteria, gum inflammation, and diminishes bad breath.
  • Clove oil: Aids in stopping gum bleeding, alleviating toothaches, and neutralizing mouth odor.
  • Peppermint oil: Assists in killing germs, eliminating bad breath, fighting diseases, and alleviating toothaches.

Combined with 1,500 ppm fluoride for effective cavity prevention.

This is the new dimension of good oral and dental health toothpaste named Boom Nutrition Toothpaste.

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Confidence in oral and dental health. Confidence in Boom Nutrition Toothpaste.

Confidence in oral and dental health. Confidence in Boom Nutrition Toothpaste.

The health of the mouth and teeth is the beginning of confidence in a bright smile and fresh breath. To transmit that confidence to the people around you.

Boom Nutrition Toothpaste, microgel toothpaste for excellent oral and dental health.

Boom Nutrition Toothpaste, microgel toothpaste for excellent oral and dental health.

Boom Nutrition Toothpaste, a toothpaste that gathers the benefits of natural extracts known for effectively caring for the health of gums and teeth, combined with 1,500 ppm fluoride to help prevent tooth decay.

Boom Nutrition Toothpaste, a must-have toothpaste tube in every travel bag

Boom Nutrition Toothpaste, a must-have toothpaste tube in every travel bag

Make Boom Nutrition Toothpaste your travel companion for every journey. And whenever you pack your travel bag, don't forget to prepare this toothpaste tube, as it's another essential item you can't do without.

Boom Nutrition Toothpaste, toothpaste for excellent dental health.

Boom Nutrition Toothpaste, toothpaste for excellent dental health.

Boom Nutrition Toothpaste, premium-grade microgel toothpaste that gathers natural extracts for particularly efficient oral and dental care.

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Special price
Boom Nutrition Toothpaste

Boom Nutrition Toothpaste

Boom Nutrition Toothpaste Herbal Toothpaste with 1,500 ppm Fluoride. A premium oral health toothpaste that combines well-balanced ingredients in three essential components, providing comprehensive care for every aspect of oral health.

480 THB. 299 THB.