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Eyes are the windows to the soul.

Eyes are the windows to the soul.

When the eyes are not bright, the heart tends to lack enthusiasm, and the spirit withers. Everything is interconnected.

As we use our eyes intensively today, there's no need to wait until old age. Our eyes gradually deteriorate with age, but various factors around us accelerate the aging of our eyes prematurely.

Therefore, we must pay attention to our eyes today by providing them with what they need, such as 'Lutein,' a vital component that acts as a filter against harmful blue light. Additionally, 'Astaxanthin' promotes blood circulation, allowing focus to return quickly. Both of these are carefully selected in premium form and combined in Boom iZ.

For bright and clear eyes, and a joyful heart.

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Looking at the mobile screen all day equals receiving blue light all day.

Looking at the mobile screen all day equals receiving blue light all day.

We all know that "blue light" is harmful to the eyes because it damages the retina, leading to accelerated deterioration, eventually causing "degenerated optic nerves" and blurry vision.

Love your child, take care of their eyes.

Love your child, take care of their eyes.

The translation to English is:

"Because losing sight at an untimely age is no different from having a disability."

Take a break from staring because he's been tired all day.

Take a break from staring because he's been tired all day.

We use our eyes every day, all day long, from waking up in the morning until going to bed. With such heavy usage, it's certain that there will be some degree of fatigue or strain.

I z, do you want some?

I z, do you want some?

"When your eyes can still see the bright world, keep them to continue enjoying the beauty of this world for a long time."

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Boom iZ

Boom iZ

Boom iZ is a water-soluble eye care supplement. Carotenoids, particularly Lutein and Zeaxanthin, play a crucial role in absorbing harmful blue light in the image-receiving area of our eyes. Therefore, it is essential to supplement these nutrients for eyes

1,250 THB. 699 THB.