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How do you like your favorite cocoa?

How do you like your favorite cocoa?

"Have you ever wondered what benefits the cocoa you indulge in every day provides for you? With Boom Cocoa Plus, this intense cocoa box may offer unexpected advantages that you might not anticipate:

  • No added sugar
  • Helps control weight, reduces appetite, and promotes a lasting feeling of fullness
  • Contains antioxidants
  • Provides protein for muscle building
  • Induces relaxation with 'Flavonoids' from cocoa extract
  • Assists in burning sugar and fat

With benefits like these, you can be confident that Boom Cocoa Plus offers more health advantages than you might think."

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If a full stomach brings joy, let Boom Cocoa Plus take care of you.

If a full stomach brings joy, let Boom Cocoa Plus take care of you.

Because hunger during the day can create a significant problem of snacking, which is the root cause of weight gain, obesity, and many other health issues.

The key components in Boom Cocoa Plus.

The key components in Boom Cocoa Plus.

Authentic, intense, and fragrant dark cocoa comes with protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, along with an award-winning extract (Phenylethylamine) received at the Nutraingredients USA Awards 2020, Ingredient of the Year 2020.

Every day is a special day with Room Coffee and Boom Cocoa Plus.

Every day is a special day with Room Coffee and Boom Cocoa Plus.

By carefully selecting premium Arabica coffee beans for Room Coffee and intense cocoa in Boom Cocoa Plus, we aim to provide you with a heart-healthy beverage every day. Both products also incorporate various extracts to offer you numerous benefits.

What are the ingredients of Boom Cocoa Plus, the intense cocoa?

What are the ingredients of Boom Cocoa Plus, the intense cocoa?

What are the ingredients of Boom Cocoa Plus, the intense cocoa?

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Boom Cocoa Plus

Boom Cocoa Plus

Boom Cocoa Plus: Genuine dark cocoa, rich and fragrant, enriched with protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Uses sweeteners instead of sugar, helps control hunger, keeps you satisfied longer, reduces cravings.

690 THB. 399 THB.