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Quality Ingredients in Room Fiberry

Quality Ingredients in Room Fiberry

To create products for optimal health care, Room Fiberry selects the best components from nature all around the world, such as:

  • Extracts from strawberries (white): Strawberry extracts are rich in vitamin C and are packed with various minerals such as vitamin E, vitamin C, calcium, citric acid, silicon. They have antioxidant properties that help with gentle detoxification, alleviate nausea, dizziness, reduce cholesterol in the blood, cleanse toxins from the body, and stimulate dull skin to become lively again, making the skin radiant, eliminating dark spots, and reducing roughness.
  • Lycopene: Lycopene is found in red vegetables and fruits and is a nutrient that the body cannot produce on its own. It is necessary to consume it. Lycopene is classified as an antioxidant that helps nourish the skin and aids in preventing and delaying the formation of wrinkles, thus delaying aging. It also reduces the risk of various cancers in different organs such as breast cancer, liver cancer, and colon cancer.
  • Capsicum Extract: Extract from chili peppers contains a substance called Capsaicin that helps reduce fat accumulation and weight loss by increasing food metabolism and accelerating the burning of excess fat. It also helps increase the level of enzymes involved in breaking down fats, accelerate metabolism, and digestion in the body, reducing the amount of fat absorbed into the body. By reducing the amount of fat absorbed, it effectively helps in weight loss. It also helps reduce the amount of cholesterol, reduce LDL production, and increase HDL production in the body. Capsicum extracts are rich in vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, iron, and dietary fiber. In 100 grams of chili, there is a high content of vitamin C, up to 144 milligrams.
  • Raspberry Extract: Raspberry is a fruit rich in vitamin C, which helps keep skin cells fresh, strong, and aids in fighting free radicals that cause blemishes and wrinkles. It also contains vitamin E, which helps slow down wrinkle formation, nourish the skin, and accelerate healing of wounds or scars. Raspberry is composed of important minerals such as potassium, magnesium, copper, and iron, which help control heart rate and blood pressure. Additionally, it is rich in vitamin B complex, vitamin K, and other vitamins, which aid in carbohydrate and fat metabolism, with low fat and calorie content. Furthermore, it is a source of dietary fiber, which aids in digestion and weight control.
  • Beet Root Powder: The benefits of beetroot include being full of vitamin A, which helps nourish the eyes, vitamin B complex, and contains red pigments in the head called betanin, which is an amino acid with the property of inhibiting the growth of tissues and cancer, aiding in improving blood circulation. Moreover, the red components of beetroot, or betanin, are rich in vitamin C, which also helps increase oxygen to various cells in the body by up to 400%, thus helping prevent cancer.
  • Cranberry Powder: Nourishes the skin to look younger. OPC helps inhibit enzymes that break down collagen and traps free radicals. Then it strengthens collagen in the subcutaneous layer, making the skin look youthful, moist, and firm.
  • Grapes: Grapes are climbing plants in the berry family and are rich in many nutrients including vitamin C and vitamin K. They contain flavonoids, which have antioxidant properties and help reduce blood fat levels, reducing the risk of heart disease.
  • Broccoli Powder: Broccoli has special properties in cancer prevention, especially breast cancer. Compounds in broccoli called glucoraphanin, sulforaphane, and sulforaphane increase the excretion of 2-hydroxyestrogens or a type of estrogen hormone related to breast cancer.
  • Green Tea Extract: Increases metabolism and is an antioxidant. Green tea has an effect on inhibiting the occurrence of various cancers because the polyphenol extract in green tea has a significant inhibitory effect on many cancers. This is due to various mechanisms, especially one important substance in green tea called (EGCG), which is a high-quality antioxidant.
  • Garcinia: Garcinia, also known as Malabar tamarind, contains a significant amount of Hydroxy-citric acid (HCA). Research has found that HCA has properties that inhibit the accumulation of excess fat in the body and reduce appetite. Some people use Garcinia fruit extract to control weight. The mechanism of action of HCA is to inhibit the enzyme ATP Citrate Lyase in the Krebs cycle, which is involved in breaking down glucose in the body. This inhibition prevents sugars from starchy foods and sugars from being converted into body fat but rather used as energy for the body, making the body feel fresh and energetic. When blood sugar levels are stable, hunger decreases. Additionally, it helps accumulate reserves of energy in the form of glycogen in the liver, signaling to the body that there is enough energy, thus reducing hunger. Furthermore, it stimulates the use of stored fats for energy, leading to a reduction in accumulated fats and improving body shape.
  • Apple Powder: Helps in weight reduction, fat burning, slowing down aging, detoxification, and relieving constipation.
  • Coffee Bean Powder: Extract from green coffee beans has been recognized by research for its ability to alleviate symptoms of depression in people, reducing the rate of suicide significantly. Especially in the female population, it can aid in weight loss, making the body less hungry and able to burn more energy stored in the body. Therefore, consuming freshly roasted coffee beans has benefits for weight loss.
  • African Mango Extract: Reduces hunger/appetite, burns fat, reduces cholesterol levels, and restores control of diabetes. Helps control blood sugar levels to normal, detoxifies the body by cleansing the intestines.
  • Prune Powder: Prunes, or dried plums, are fruits that are highly nutritious. They are well-known and widely consumed in Europe and North America. Rich in vitamins such as Riboflavin (B2), Calcium, Ascorbic Acid (C), and Vitamin E, they are also high in fiber, which has the property of being a safe laxative to relieve constipation for both children and adults. They promote bowel movements, making them beneficial for regular digestion when consumed.
  • Pomegranate Extract: Helps to eliminate impurities in the intestines, reduce cholesterol in the blood, reduce the risk of various cancers, has anti-inflammatory properties, inhibits the production of melanin granules, lightening darkened skin from UV radiation, and stimulates collagen production in the skin, promoting repair and regeneration of new cells in the dermis.
  • Citrus Aurantium Extract / Citrus Sinensis Powder: Citrus fruits such as oranges are rich in various vitamins and minerals. They contain important compounds such as Synephrine, Tyramine, Octopamine, and Hordenine, which act to stimulate the body's metabolism of ingested food, burn excess calories, and control and reduce appetite without causing side effects to the cardiovascular and nervous systems.
  • Papaya Powder: Papaya is rich in Vitamin C, A, and high in fiber. It is also packed with antioxidants, which the body can absorb better than other vegetables and fruits. Papaya helps reduce constipation and symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. It helps reduce the risk of various diseases, especially those that often come with age, such as heart disease and cancer. Additionally, it prevents signs of aging, helping the skin appear smoother, more youthful, and vibrant.
  • Golden Kiwi Extract: Golden kiwi is rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants, even more so than oranges, up to three times. This helps boost the immune system and is a low-calorie fruit suitable for weight loss. It also has high fiber content, which aids in digestion and relieves constipation, reducing problems such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, and bloating. Moreover, it helps nourish the body's cells to prevent the rapid proliferation of cancer cells.
  • Pineapple Powder: Pineapple extract is considered a natural AHA (alpha hydroxy acid) containing beneficial enzymes, such as bromelain and bromelainase, which have the property of breaking down protein. Both enzymes help eliminate impurities in the intestines effectively.

By combining their nutritional values and working together efficiently, these ingredients contribute to maintaining your health and promoting a quality life. Room Fiberry is one of the products we take pride in as part of promoting a healthy lifestyle for you.

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Room Fiberry

Room Fiberry

Room Fiberry is the ultimate innovation in dietary supplements, designed to cleanse toxins and detoxify the body with the power of fruits. It is the perfect health companion, providing the essential elements that may be lacking while eliminating excess.

890 THB. 599 THB.