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Product Highlight

It's time for breakfast with iCon Meal

It's time for breakfast with iCon Meal

Which meal is the most important? Most people know the answer: "breakfast."  But why does breakfast often become a meal that is inconsistent, sometimes eaten and sometimes skipped? Perhaps it is due to the rush of the morning, causing many people to miss this important meal.

iCon Meal: A Quick Meal Solution

iCon Meal: A Quick Meal Solution

No matter what job you do or what lifestyle you lead, there are often times when you're so rushed that skipping meals becomes a common occurrence. 

Lunch time with iCon Meal

Lunch time with iCon Meal

Whether it's breakfast, when you might be in a hurry and don't have time, dinner, when you can't decide what to eat, or even lunch, when you're too busy with work to go out and eat.

Dinner time with iCon Meal

Dinner time with iCon Meal

What to eat tonight... If you're still stuck at work, traveling, or just unsure about what to eat, simply keep this box with you. Whether it's dinner or any meal, you won't miss out on good nutrition.

iCon Meal contains 23 types of vitamins and minerals

iCon Meal contains 23 types of vitamins and minerals

iCon Meal is a meal replacement product and weight control or weight loss food that provides all five essential nutrients in the right proportions as required by the body. One essential aspect is the inclusion of 23 types of vitamins and minerals needed by the body.

Want to lose weight? Choose iCon Meal

Want to lose weight? Choose iCon Meal

Because managing our daily nutrient intake in each meal is difficult to control to the right amount. Sometimes it’s too much, sometimes it’s too little. Especially when it depends on individual eating habits, it becomes even harder to control.

What Should We Eat This Meal? This Question Comes Up Often

What Should We Eat This Meal? This Question Comes Up Often

This age-old problem for many families usually ends up unresolved, often with meals that lack proper nutrition, like instant foods that mostly provide only starch and additives.

iCon Meal: Meal Replacement with 100% Plant-Based Protein

iCon Meal: Meal Replacement with 100% Plant-Based Protein

iCon Meal is a meal replacement and weight control product that provides all the essential nutrients from the five food groups required by the body. Importantly, its protein source is 100% plant-based.

iCon Meal: Combining Valuable Extracts, Offering More Than Just Complete Nutrition

iCon Meal: Combining Valuable Extracts, Offering More Than Just Complete Nutrition

iCon Meal is a meal replacement and weight control product that combines essential nutrients from various important sources to provide all five food groups necessary for the body. In addition to these comprehensive nutrients.

iCon Meal: Meal Replacement Product for Weight Control or Weight Loss

iCon Meal: Meal Replacement Product for Weight Control or Weight Loss

iCon Meal is a product designed to be a meal replacement, offering a complete set of nutrients from all five food groups. It can genuinely replace regular meals and serve as food for weight control or weight loss as desired.

Showing 51 to 60 of 1233 (124 Pages)