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The production standard of Boom Vit-C products.

The production standard of Boom Vit-C products.

The production standard of Boom Vit-C products. Boom Vit-C is a vitamin C complex to enhance and strengthen the immune system.

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Why is natural vitamin C better?

Why is natural vitamin C better?

Boom Vit C is a vitamin C complex carefully selected from natural sources to provide high-quality vitamin C, with advantages over synthetic vitamin C.

How is "Vitamin C" beneficial?

How is "Vitamin C" beneficial?

How is "Vitamin C" beneficial?

Boom Vit C has more than just vitamin C.

Boom Vit C has more than just vitamin C.

Because it's a vitamin C sourced from nature and also includes other essential vitamins like A, B, and D3.

Good health starts easily with this pouch.

Good health starts easily with this pouch.

Because this is Boom Vit-C, an extraordinary vitamin C extracted from natural ingredients that provide high-quality vitamin C, along with AHA, and vitamins B1, B12, and D3.

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Boom Vit C

Boom Vit C

Boom Vit C Boom Vitamin C Complex is a vitamin C supplement. Vitamin C is an essential vitamin that the body needs and cannot synthesize on its own; it must be obtained from food, vegetables, and fruits. Boom Vit C is a good and body-friendly choice.

590 THB. 299 THB.