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Boom Vit-C, these capsules, are for good health.

Boom Vit-C, these capsules, are for good health.

By gathering extracts from nature that provide high levels of vitamin C, such as Green Acerola Cherry, which provides more vitamin C than oranges by 80 times, along with Sea Buckthorn and Citrus Bioflavonoids, and additionally including vitamins B1, B6, B12, and D3.

These Boom Vit-C capsules help promote the functioning of the nervous system and the immune system. This is the starting point for good health from The iCon Group.

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Have you taken vitamin C this morning?

Because your immunity needs to be built every day due to the dangers from various factors around us, such as germs, dust, pollutants, and even sunlight, which all tend to harm us.

4 Benefits of Green Acerola Cherry Extract

4 Benefits of Green Acerola Cherry Extract

Another important component found in Boom Vit C.

Carry Boom Vit C with you on every journey

Carry Boom Vit C with you on every journey

Because on every journey, you may encounter changing weather conditions, diverse people, unexpected germs, and pollutants. If your body isn't prepared, you might fall ill easily.

Boom Vit C delivers good things to good people at Pong.

Boom Vit C delivers good things to good people at Pong.

With the quality Vitamin C complex products certified by various institutions, confidently pass on the pursuit of 'good health' to everyone.

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Boom Vit C

Boom Vit C

Boom Vit C Boom Vitamin C Complex is a vitamin C supplement. Vitamin C is an essential vitamin that the body needs and cannot synthesize on its own; it must be obtained from food, vegetables, and fruits. Boom Vit C is a good and body-friendly choice.

590 THB. 299 THB.