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Boom Nutrition Toothpaste for Clean and White Teeth Every Day

Boom Nutrition Toothpaste for Clean and White Teeth Every Day

The health of your mouth and teeth reflects your overall care and well-being. If your oral health is deteriorating today, with bad breath and plaque buildup leading to gum and dental issues, it can affect not just your health but also your confidence and personality.

Take care of your oral health today by using a good toothpaste that protects your gums and teeth, reduces bacterial buildup in the mouth, and prevents cavities, gingivitis, and bad breath.

Boom Nutrition Toothpaste combines the benefits of eight carefully selected natural extracts from around the world with concentrated fluoride at 1,500 ppm, providing full protection against cavities. It comes in a clear micro-gel form that is gentle and does not damage tooth enamel.

Good oral health today is the starting point for overall well-being and full confidence with fresh breath all day long. Choose your toothpaste today, choose Boom Nutrition Toothpaste for your oral care.

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Boom Nutrition Toothpaste: Toothpaste for your oral and dental health.

Boom Nutrition Toothpaste: Toothpaste for your oral and dental health.

Because your mouth and teeth are the first things that receive food into your body. If your oral and dental health isn't good, it affects your ability to eat and receive nutrients properly into your body. This is crucial.

This toothpaste tube has more benefits than you think.

This toothpaste tube has more benefits than you think.

Toothpaste... anything may not be the same anymore because you know for sure whether anything you put in is good or not for your oral health.

Discover a new dimension with Boom Nutrition Toothpaste.

Discover a new dimension with Boom Nutrition Toothpaste.

Open a new dimension with quality extracts to create a high-quality toothpaste in a microgel format. Efficiently care for and maintain oral and dental health.

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Boom Nutrition Toothpaste

Boom Nutrition Toothpaste

Boom Nutrition Toothpaste Herbal Toothpaste with 1,500 ppm Fluoride. A premium oral health toothpaste that combines well-balanced ingredients in three essential components, providing comprehensive care for every aspect of oral health.

480 THB. 299 THB.