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The three important functions of telomeres

The three important functions of telomeres

Telomeres are the end segments of chromosomes. Every time a cell divides, telomeres shorten, leading to cell deterioration.

3 Important Functions of Telomere:

  • Protecting DNA from damage during cell division.
  • Assisting in maintaining youthfulness.
  • Aiding in preventing degenerative diseases associated with aging.

Boom D-NAX contains a combination of 10 vitamins along with RestoloX, which helps in delaying the shortening of telomeres for anti-aging benefits.

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Boom D-NAX effervescent multivitamin, along with anti-aging components, what are its ingredients? Let's take a look.

Boom D-NAX effervescent multivitamin, along with anti-aging components, what are its ingredients? Let's take a look.

Boom D-NAX Freshness with Properties and the Fragrance of Mixed Berries

Boom D-NAX Freshness with Properties and the Fragrance of Mixed Berries

Innovation of 10 types of water-soluble vitamin capsules, incorporating two key ingredients derived from Astragalus extract (Huang Qi or Heng Qi) and Grape extract (Resveratrol).

Why choose Boom D-NAX?

Why choose Boom D-NAX?

Because every day in the course of life involves many things to do, to think about, and to live in a way that 'breaks through' our physical condition, whether we are aware of it or not.

Boom D-NAX, delicious effervescent vitamins, delivers nutritional value.

Boom D-NAX, delicious effervescent vitamins, delivers nutritional value.

With 10 types of vitamins in the form of water-soluble effervescent tablets, mixed with a berry scent, delivering immediate nutritional value for your body, Boom D-NAX also provides "anti-aging benefits" in every tablet, thanks to ResteloX.

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Special price
Boom D-NAX

Boom D-NAX

Boom D-NAX is an effervescent tablet dietary supplement product derived from award-winning research, leading to an innovative water-soluble vitamin tablet. This product incorporates the ultimate science of anti-aging at the cellular level.

1,250 THB. 599 THB.