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Open up a new dimension with the quality extracts in Zip Whey Protein Plus.

Open up a new dimension with the quality extracts in Zip Whey Protein Plus.
High-quality whey protein for a significant meal, ideal for those looking to build muscle or control weight through protein intake that goes beyond just being whey protein. It provides a complete nutritional profile from all 5 food groups:

  • Yeast Extracts: Rich in high quantities of Vitamin B Complex, alleviating fatigue and nourishing the body, brain, nervous system, skin, hair, and nails.
  • Whey Protein Concentrate: With protein concentration ranging from 70-80%, it contains all 20 amino acids, including the 8 essential amino acids that the body cannot produce on its own.
  • Polydextrose: A prebiotic that serves as food for beneficial bacteria in the large intestine.
  • Yellow Pea Protein: Contains globulin protein, a complete and high-quality protein with all 10 essential amino acids, even more than in animal meat.
  • Zinc Amino Acid Chelate: Helps resist free radicals, prevents acne and oily skin, reduces inflammation of acne, reduces hair loss, and supports the immune system and central nervous system.
Delicious and packed with the benefits of complete nutrition from all 5 food groups, including protein, vitamins, and essential minerals, Zip Whey Protein Plus is the ideal whey protein for your overall health.

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Enhance your meals with Zip Whey Protein Plus.

Enhance your meals with Zip Whey Protein Plus.

Zip Whey Protein Plus not only provides high-quality whey protein but also comes with a complete set of nutrients from all five food groups to complement your meals, ensuring you get a complete serving of nutrients.

No matter how rushed the meal is, with Zip Whey Protein Plus, you won't miss out on essential nutrients.

No matter how rushed the meal is, with Zip Whey Protein Plus, you won't miss out on essential nutrients.

Not only is it 'whey protein' for those who want to control weight or for those aiming to build muscle, but Zip Whey Protein Plus also helps supplement rushed meals when there's no time to eat. It turns into a meal you don't have to miss out on for getting good nutrition.

Zip Whey Protein Plus, good whey for good health, from The iCon Group.

Zip Whey Protein Plus, good whey for good health, from The iCon Group.

Whether managing your physique through dietary control, substituting with protein consumption, or seeking to build muscle by supplementing with full-fledged protein use.

Zip Whey Protein Plus fills you up with complete nutrients.

Zip Whey Protein Plus fills you up with complete nutrients.

No matter which meal you might miss out on good nutrition, you can supplement that meal with Zip Whey Protein Plus. This box is for maintaining good health, and you shouldn't miss out on receiving complete nutrition every day.