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Good health and younger than age, Boom D-NAX provides it all in one tube.

Good health and younger than age, Boom D-NAX provides it all in one tube.

Because it's not just a combination of 10 essential vitamins that nourish your health, filling your body with the necessary vitamins to keep you ready at your best. Boom D-NAX goes beyond being just a vitamin supplement; it incorporates an innovation that has been recognized with a global-level Nobel Prize, an exclusive creation of The iCon Group called Restelo X. It includes essential natural extracts such as:

  • Grapevine Extract (Reverse-vine): Extracted from red wine and grapes, known for stimulating the SIRT-1 gene, a gene that contributes to keeping the body youthful and appearing younger than age.
  • Astragalus Extract: Extracted from Astragalus (known as milkvetch or Huang Qi), a Chinese herbal medicine that enhances energy circulation in the body, acts as an adaptogen, and research has shown its potential in promoting the activity of enzymes that help increase the length of telomeres. Telomeres are crucial structures at the end of chromosomes that gradually shorten with cell division, a contributing factor to aging.

With the added vitamins for extra freshness and good health, coupled with the benefits of slowing down aging, this is what Boom D-NAX in this tube offers.

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Tired, weary, feeling drained, running out of energy, but no matter what, you have to keep going.

Tired, weary, feeling drained, running out of energy, but no matter what, you have to keep going.

Recharge your energy, replenish freshness instantly with Boom D-NAX effervescent multivitamin tablets, including up to 10 types of vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12, C.

Good health lies in the choices we make for care.

Good health lies in the choices we make for care.

Choose Boom D-NAX effervescent multivitamin tablets that contain up to 10 types of vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12, C.

How to consume Boom D-NAX.

How to consume Boom D-NAX.

How to consume Boom D-NAX.

Add freshness to every day for a good day with Boom D-NAX.

Add freshness to every day for a good day with Boom D-NAX.

A combination of 10 types of vitamins, coupled with extracts from award-winning global innovations in anti-aging, which deeply care at the chromosomal level.

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Boom D-NAX

Boom D-NAX

Boom D-NAX is an effervescent tablet dietary supplement product derived from award-winning research, leading to an innovative water-soluble vitamin tablet. This product incorporates the ultimate science of anti-aging at the cellular level.

1,250 THB. 599 THB.