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Eyes are the windows to the soul.

Eyes are the windows to the soul.

When the eyes are not bright, the heart tends to lack enthusiasm, and the spirit withers. Everything is interconnected.

As we use our eyes intensively today, there's no need to wait until old age. Our eyes gradually deteriorate with age, but various factors around us accelerate the aging of our eyes prematurely.

Therefore, we must pay attention to our eyes today by providing them with what they need, such as 'Lutein,' a vital component that acts as a filter against harmful blue light. Additionally, 'Astaxanthin' promotes blood circulation, allowing focus to return quickly. Both of these are carefully selected in premium form and combined in Boom iZ.

For bright and clear eyes, and a joyful heart.

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Open your eyes to face the light like this because you have Boom iZ as your companion.

Open your eyes to face the light like this because you have Boom iZ as your companion.

By collecting extracts specifically nourishing for the eyes, such as "Lutein," a crucial component of the optic nerve that helps filter out harmful blue light, and "Astaxanthin," which aids in adjusting the focus of the eye lens. These are additional factors contributing to relieving eye strain that may affect the neck, shoulders, and other related areas. Additionally, there are other components that specifically contribute to eye care.

Sitting and staring at the screen all day? You need eye care supplements.

Sitting and staring at the screen all day? You need eye care supplements.

Because not only sunlight but also harmful UV rays, and blue light from various screens, can damage our eyes, especially for those who work in front of screens all day.

Bilberry, another important component in Boom iZ.

Bilberry, another important component in Boom iZ.

Bilberry contains bilberry, an extract from bilberries that helps reduce dry eyes, adjust focus, and alleviate neck, shoulder, and back tension.

Boom iZ - Products for Good Eyesight

Boom iZ - Products for Good Eyesight

Because each day, we strain our eyes, an essential organ like the eyes rarely receives proper care, and by the time we realize the need for care, it might be too late, especially with conditions like 'Screen Fatigue' occurring before the appropriate age.

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Boom iZ

Boom iZ

Boom iZ is a water-soluble eye care supplement. Carotenoids, particularly Lutein and Zeaxanthin, play a crucial role in absorbing harmful blue light in the image-receiving area of our eyes. Therefore, it is essential to supplement these nutrients for eyes

1,250 THB. 699 THB.