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Boom Vit-C, Vitamin C for you.

Boom Vit-C, Vitamin C for you.

Vitamin C comes in various forms and brands, so why should you choose Boom Vit-C?

Because it's a vitamin C complex composed of vitamin C extracted and selected from natural sources, alongside vitamin B and even vitamin D, working together to enhance the body's effectiveness and strength. Moreover, each capsule is coated with fats to prevent rapid dissolution, allowing the body to fully absorb its benefits. This is the meticulously formulated vitamin C, designed and created to deliver the utmost goodness for you.

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Take care of yourself easily with Boom Vit-C.

Take care of yourself easily with Boom Vit-C.

Whether it's the rainy season or any season, if you don't pay attention to your health, you might easily fall ill.

Take vitamin C after breakfast to strengthen your immune system effectively.

Take vitamin C after breakfast to strengthen your immune system effectively.

With Boom Vit-C, a vitamin C complex that includes natural vitamin C from extracts, as well as vitamins B1, B6, B12, and D3 provided.

Are you supplementing your immunity yet?

Are you supplementing your immunity yet?

Because strengthening immunity can easily be done by yourself with regular intake of Vitamin C.

No matter what the weather is like, you can be confident with Boom Vit C.

No matter what the weather is like, you can be confident with Boom Vit C.

No matter if it's hot, cold, rainy, or any season, or no matter how the weather changes, you can be confident that your 'health' is ready to receive everything to the fullest. This is because of a good immune system, supplemented by great vitamins like Boom Vit C.

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Boom Vit C

Boom Vit C

Boom Vit C Boom Vitamin C Complex is a vitamin C supplement. Vitamin C is an essential vitamin that the body needs and cannot synthesize on its own; it must be obtained from food, vegetables, and fruits. Boom Vit C is a good and body-friendly choice.

590 THB. 299 THB.