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Boom Collagen Plus contains both dipeptide and tripeptide collagen.

Boom Collagen Plus contains both dipeptide and tripeptide collagen.

With the effectiveness of both dipeptide and tripeptide collagen, it helps repair and enhance various components in our bodies. Relying solely on collagen from our meals may not be sufficient.

To receive effective collagen from supplements, it must be collagen that can be rapidly absorbed and of high quality, allowing the body to utilize it to its full potential.

Boom Collagen Plus selects premium-grade collagen produced from freshwater fish scales, which has been researched and proven to be high-quality collagen that the body can fully utilize. It plays a role in tightening the skin, reinforcing muscle strength, tendons, bones, cartilage, and joints.

Moreover, it contains essential components such as Pomegranate Extract, which is effective in antioxidant activity, inhibiting melanin production, and stimulating collagen synthesis in the skin. Additionally, Grape Seed Extract plays a role in reducing freckles, pigmentation, or dark spots, promoting even skin tone, and helping alleviate allergic reactions.

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Confidence in the quality of Boom Collagen Plus.

Confidence in the quality of Boom Collagen Plus.

With manufacturing standards that have been verified and checked by numerous organizations.

How is 'collagen' beneficial?

How is 'collagen' beneficial?

How is 'collagen' beneficial?

Boom Collagen Plus has a pleasant aroma, is easy to consume, and provides nutritional benefits.

Boom Collagen Plus has a pleasant aroma, is easy to consume, and provides nutritional benefits.

Because Boom Collagen Plus is collagen from fish presented in a drinkable powder form, it differs from the usual collagen drinks that people are familiar with. It is not bitter or bland, making it easy for you to drink and enjoy its full benefits.

When is the best time to take collagen?

When is the best time to take collagen?

Waking up fresh, not having consumed anything yet, is indeed the 'best' time. It's the ideal moment to take collagen because it's when the stomach is 'most empty,' allowing for optimal nutrient absorption.

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Boom Collagen Plus

Boom Collagen Plus

Boom Collagen Plus is a dietary supplement that comprehensively takes care of your skin, hair, and nails, making you look good from the inside out. It is enriched with up to 36 types of unique extracts imported from around the world.

890 THB. 599 THB.