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Leadership profession

Leadership profession

Learn from successful people a little bit each day is better than spending a lifetime figuring it out on your own.

The most accurate indicator is the results achieved by our seniors in that profession. If in the profession we are in, we observe our seniors and see if they have savings after retiring. Can they afford to send their children to good schools? Do they support their parents? Or are they still relying on their parents' money? Do they have any debts?

Certainly, in online businesses, the brand owners are expected to be wealthy. However, it's not the brand owner we should observe, but rather our seniors who are representatives in that field. See if their lives have improved, if they have what the brand owner has. Otherwise, it might just be a case of concentrated wealth, not widespread as it should be.

Now, in the online business, what kind of person will achieve high success? It's the person with "high leadership qualities."

Therefore, a leadership profession is important because the first person we must lead is ourselves. We must lead ourselves out of disappointment when we are rejected. We must lead ourselves toward our dreams. Don't let anyone else discourage us from our dreams of having a better life, both financially and in terms of freedom - without having to fight for it.

We all have 24 hours a day, so when we have dreams, we should spend our time wisely. That is, working with people who follow us, people who are right, people with the same goals as us, not with those whom we have to constantly follow around. This is a waste of our time.

But before we make people follow us, we have to lead ourselves first. We must show ourselves before they follow us. Initially, we have to follow them to make them understand and see the same things we see.

Whenever we are disappointed, it's just a matter of recovering ourselves. Successful people have never given up. Even though they are disappointed, they know that the only way to succeed is to "recover the original passion" because "the weak will lose everything, no matter how easy it is."

Wanting to succeed but not entering the system is like wanting to graduate but not going to school.

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