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Want to be wealthy but afraid to do this.

Want to be wealthy but afraid to do this.

Everyone carries fear within themselves since birth because the first thing we do when we are born is cry. It's not strange that today we desire wealth but fear doing something new or walking on an unfamiliar path without feeling afraid.

The fact that we still have fear shows that we know how to protect ourselves. However, if we just hold onto fear without transforming it into strength or a driving force, our lives won't progress anywhere. It might even regress if we create unnecessary fears.

Fear originates from within us. Often, we refrain from doing things because we think they're 'difficult', and that's why we fear them. But in reality, it's because we fear attempting something different that it seems difficult. When fear arises from within, we should address it from within.

Our lives will only change when we want them to change. Anything we do with ease and familiarity lies within the Comfort Zone. Success doesn't reside in the Comfort Zone. We must dare to break through that wall to encounter success.

Successful people don't know for sure if they will succeed or fail, yet they proceed despite their fears. They continue consistently until that feeling disappears, and they find success as they hoped.

Fear isn't wrong; it's about keeping that fear as a powerful driving force to break away from the same old Comfort Zone, making our lives better each day.

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