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The Science of Consumer Buying Decisions

The Science of Consumer Buying Decisions

From the research, it is found that consumers make purchasing decisions based on these factors:

Buying Needs: To solve a problem they have or to bring them happiness. Therefore, the salesperson's duty is to:

  •   Identify the customer's problem or real needs.
  • Understand what results they expect from the product.
  • Present the product's benefits that directly address the customer's problem. It's not necessary to mention all the benefits; focus on those that relate to the customer's issue or speak simply and clearly.

Beliefs: Building customer belief is best achieved through storytelling because truth is told through storytelling. Stories are what truly close the sale.

Purchasing Potential: The price we set or the purchasing potential isn't as crucial as the first two points. If it's something they truly want, the price won't be the main reason; they will find a way to afford it themselves.

Reviews: This factor holds about 90% importance in opening up customers' hearts. For good reviews, it's better to narrate them as stories.

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