The iCon Group : Thailand's No.1 Online Company
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The success indicator

The success indicator

For us to assess whether we can continue in this business, the first step to measure is ourselves.

  1. Do we often think about success? Because if we think about something often, we tend to act on it.
  2. Is there any product from The iCon that we are interested in? If we don't use or consume it, then we won't be able to share experiences. But if we use it and like it, yet never come out to review or talk about it, then it's not beneficial because 'mouth publicity equals business publicity.'
  3. Can we handle the basics on our own? (Consumption, Selling, Expansion, Distribution) This business is ours, not just the team leader's or the boss's. If we can do it, we'll succeed; if we can't, we won't.
  4. How much better can we solve problems on our own? It's not just about passing everything on to the team leader. If we can't do it ourselves, how will we teach our team?
  5. Take good care of our own attitude. How passionate are we about work? Have we ever consulted the team leader? Have we ever listened to SoundCloud?

Regarding the team, it's vital not to stop searching for the right people and then developing and retaining them. Those who join must engage in a learning system with successful individuals. If they operate outside this system, the chances of success are significantly reduced.

Newcomers must have 2 essential things:

  1. A good mindset, obtained from consuming beneficial information that improves our lives. It's called 'input=output.' If we consume good information, our thoughts, words, and actions will reflect the goodness that enriches us.
  2. Skillset - the ability to act. Skills come from consistent action. Even if we read dozens of good books, say 10-20 rounds, but never act, skills won't develop.

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