The iCon Group : Thailand's No.1 Online Company
An Authorized Dealer of The iCon Group company

The word 'underestimate' is the fuel of success.

The word 'underestimate' is the fuel of success.

Knowledge is gained through hands-on experience. The first year of online sales will be the most exhausting, especially if we continue with our regular job and engage in online work simultaneously. Besides our usual responsibilities, we need to learn new things along with putting them into practice.

Importantly, success is not guaranteed from the first, second, or third attempt. There will always be critics ready to say that we have been 'deceived.' They claim that if it were truly good, it would have sold well from the beginning.

However, believe that those who speak in such a way have likely never had much experience in online business. Or, if they have, they may not have experienced significant success. Their expectations are based on the assumption that every post or sales presentation should result in immediate success, which is a misguided expectation.

Therefore, we must choose to listen to those who speak positively to us. Anyone who speaks negatively or brings down others need not be listened to. Believe that if someone criticizes others today, one day we will be the subject of their criticism.

Our duty is to take action, take action, and take action to make our dreams a reality.

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