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Team Management with the 80:20 Rule

Team Management with the 80:20 Rule

To inspect whether we are properly managing the team, look at the rate of inflow versus the rate of outflow.

Parents often worry more about weaker children who cannot help themselves much, and they tend to provide the most assistance to those individuals. But when it comes to team management, we need to resist this feeling. Many tend to excessively care for weaker individuals initially, but as soon as we let go, they return to being weak.

Hence, the best approach to initially manage our team is to apply the 80:20 rule.

This means taking care of the strong 20% first, making them stronger and more resilient so they can stand by our side. These individuals can then pass on their knowledge or help create others who are also stronger.

As for the weaker individuals, it's not that we neglect them, but they may come last because they are not yet able to take care of themselves. They cannot look after others until they have developed themselves into strong individuals.

Actually, the first person we need to take care of the most is ourselves.

Because if we cannot take care of ourselves to become successful, healthy, or professional online entrepreneurs, we will not know how to pass on this success to our team.

The import phase is also considered equally important.

Comparatively, it's like sowing seeds. Not every seed will sprout, and even if they sprout, not all will grow into trees. Thus, we need to import and search for strong individuals, and develop these individuals so they can stand by us and further help take care of others.

But if we are team leaders with a team that surpasses us in every aspect, whether in terms of money, knowledge, qualifications, age, or experience, even age should not be a concern. One thing we must possess above them is ethics, true love, concern, and not worrying about being superior.

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