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Thinking positively and thinking big are not as important as thinking right.

Thinking positively and thinking big are not as important as thinking right.

"Thoughts" are one crucial factor for our success, which is why there's a saying that we should be positive thinkers, think big, but the most important aspect is to "think right."

For example, if we are positive thinkers and believe we can travel to Chiang Mai (assuming we are in Bangkok), even if we end up driving south and somehow find ourselves in Hua Hin, we can still think positively and tell ourselves that we will eventually reach Chiang Mai...

However, it may not happen for sure. Therefore, before we take any action, in addition to thinking positively and thinking big, the first thing we need to define is the "direction," the journey, or the destination we want to reach.

Growing up in life, some people grow through pain, known as "No Pain No Gain." To transform ourselves from small batteries into dynamo, we must go through pain or encounter problems first. To change ourselves by unleashing our inner power or "awakening the giant within," we need to transform ourselves like exploding our own energy. It's about "awakening the giant within" and changing ourselves as if we're breaking through the ground.

If you really want to do this, don't change at all. It's better to be yourself in a way that you think is already good and think that someday "life will get better on its own." But believe me, that day will never come. How many years have passed, and our lives are still the same or even worse than before.

If we think the giant within us is still asleep, it's time for the giant within us to wake up and work. To elevate our lives in this era, let's "discard the old life, old actions, and start anew with something we've never done, in a way that involves fear, anxiety, and doubt. These things hold us back so that we can start a new life."

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Have you ever wondered why we all have the same 24 hours in a day, yet the outcomes in our lives differ? Some people have a worse starting point than us, whether it's their family background, the society they live in, their level of education, or the money in their pockets. Yet, they have a better quality of life than us.

The tale of Life's Turn: Written on Sand, Engraved on Rock.

The tale of Life's Turn: Written on Sand, Engraved on Rock.

In our real lives, often people around us are there to help, but we tend to forget or not remember anything about it. However, when they do something slightly displeasing, we get angry and hold onto that grudge, which causes harm to our own and others' mental well-being.

Leverage Power

Leverage Power

Everyone who achieves success will have leadership qualities. Their high level of success cannot be achieved by working alone within the limited time of just 24 hours a day and the limited manpower available. It requires the involvement of time, interest, skills, and resources from others to assist in the process.

Choosing the people you associate with is crucial, no matter the scale of your life.

Choosing the people you associate with is crucial, no matter the scale of your life.

Successful people on a global scale, such as Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and many others, may share certain qualities, but there's another crucial aspect: the people they associate with. Whether it's their close companions, friends, or even their team, the company they keep is of paramount importance.