The iCon Group : Thailand's No.1 Online Company
An Authorized Dealer of The iCon Group company

The starting point of success.

The starting point of success.

What are our goals in starting a business with The iCon Group?

Regardless of the goals we set, there is one equation that will lead us to achieve those goals. That equation is Action = Result, or in Thai, ลงมือทำ = ผลลัพธ์.

Certainly, before we can build our lives, we have to sustain our lives first. Everyone successful has gone through sustaining their lives before moving on to building their lives. And what is the turning point between successful and unsuccessful people? The answer is "completion." It's like putting together a jigsaw puzzle; to get the desired picture, we have to complete all the pieces. If we don't complete it, or if we stop along the way before finishing, it won't lead us to success.

We all know the meaning of "direction is more important than speed." No matter how fast we run, if we're not headed in the right direction, we won't reach our goal or our finish line.

Running an online business is like running a marathon. In a marathon, the person who reaches the finish line first is the winner. But for the online business marathon, it's about being able to lead ourselves to the finish line, regardless of whether it's slow or fast; both are winners.

So, what prevents those who are unsuccessful from reaching the finish line? It is

  • Not integrating oneself into the system, or entering the system and achieving small successes, getting too comfortable with those small successes, taking too long to get up again until the fuel runs out, or encountering obstacles, problems, or encountering people who disagree, thinking that they won't fit in with those people, eventually falling and disappearing. We will be different when we think

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