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The Habit of Success

The Habit of Success

The most important habit that leads us to success is "self-control to take action on our own, even when no one is there to tell or command us."

Everyone who joins The iCon desires "success" together. But when it comes to taking action, everyone says they do it to the fullest, with all their might. However, in reality, not everyone does it to their fullest potential. Not everyone exerts the same amount of effort. Hence, this results in varying levels of success.

Therefore, in The iCon, there is a tool called "Passport to Success" that serves as a guide consolidating the methods that successful people have applied.

Passport to Success is like a high-speed train heading toward success. Our duty is just to follow it. However, those who succeed and reach their real goals on this journey must be individuals who continue consistently and importantly, control themselves. They make each moment count and valuable. We need to tell ourselves where we want our life goals to be, because if we can't articulate it, we won't have a direction to act upon. We all have children, parents, and families waiting for our success.

Therefore, each day, let's ask ourselves upon waking up, "What should we do that we haven't done yet?" Don't be a full cup of water. Be ready to learn always because "big results cannot happen to those with small hearts, and big results cannot happen to those lacking the skills to take action."

The ratio of success is directly proportional to self-development, always.

Following Passport to Success is like buttoning the first button correctly toward success. If we start by ourselves, exercising self-control first, others are ready to lend a helping hand. But if we don't start by ourselves, then no one else will bother to help us.

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