The iCon Group : Thailand's No.1 Online Company
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The definition of happiness in the present time.

The definition of happiness in the present time.

If today we do whatever it takes to achieve happiness, we won't have to wait for happiness to occur in the future. We don't have to wait until we finish studying, wait for a job, wait for a good family, wait for a house, wait for a car, wait to save money... and only then experience happiness.

Because those who have succeeded and become wealthy, all of them find happiness in the present, in what they do. If we don't have happiness in the present, if we aren't happy with what we're doing, how can we achieve success? If we don't succeed, it means 'we won't have happiness in the future' because we set conditions for happiness that require us to succeed first, to become wealthy first.

Happiness in the present will be the ultimate source of energy that enables us to succeed in everything we do, and wealth will become an added bonus.

"The mind is the master... the body is the servant." Therefore, today, we should take care not only of our physical health but also our mental health simultaneously.

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