The iCon Group : Thailand's No.1 Online Company
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The basics are the heart of success.

The basics are the heart of success.

If we truly want to succeed in this business, it all starts and ends with the "basics."

The basics consist of "Eat, Sell, Expand, Pass on":

  1. Eat: We have to consume the product's results to be able to pass it on ourselves based on what we've experienced.
  2. Sell: When we've consumed and seen the results or experienced the outcomes ourselves, we can confidently sell without hesitation because the results speak for themselves. And, importantly, we become more invested in the product.
  3. Expand: It means providing opportunities to those around us or those who know us to see the business potential.
  4. Pass on: Passing on the business results we've received to our team members, ensuring they understand accurately.

These are like the first buttons we fasten. If we button the first one correctly, the rest will follow.

But to make the foundational work a success as aimed, we have to do it consistently every day. For example, if our goal is to achieve a monthly income of 1,000,000 baht within a year or 365 days, we must break down our long-term goal into smaller ones - monthly, weekly, and daily goals. This implies that we must engage in foundational work every day for the full 365 days.

Some people work for only 3 days, 7 days, or just a month, then stop or do it intermittently, which makes it impossible to achieve their goal.

To simplify, if we start a new job and they give us a 90-day probationary period, but we only work for 3 or 7 days and stop, or work for a month and stop, or do it on-and-off, thinking that the employer will hire us after the probation, they probably won't. Therefore, the discipline in our perseverance must be exceptionally high. It depends on how seriously we take it.

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