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The mindset of an entrepreneur.

The mindset of an entrepreneur.

Employees working full-time earn income based on how their employer evaluates their work or based on their Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). However, when we become entrepreneurs, our income solely depends on our abilities. We need to assess ourselves. Our income will be an indicator of our "entrepreneurial quality."

One common challenge for new entrepreneurs is questioning whether this profession is right for them. They wonder if they are capable or if they will succeed, whether they're just deluding themselves or being deceived.

Initially, the work feels exhausting. Problems will constantly test us. We may feel disheartened because we've never done this before. But believe me, we're not alone in feeling this way. At the same time, others have experienced and overcome similar challenges, and there were people who felt this way before us.

People encountering such feelings or problems generally fall into two categories:

  1. Quit immediately.
  2. Keep fighting relentlessly, never give up, because they know that enduring might only take one year, or maybe two to three years at most. Everything will improve, and then they can live their lives as they desire. Enduring a regular job means enduring it for a lifetime, and that's "working to make others' dreams come true, not our own dreams."

People who persist without giving up will categorize problems into three levels:

  1. Small problems - If they encounter small issues, they just think, "It will pass; let's move on."
  2. Medium problems - These can't be ignored and need to be solved. Don't avoid problems; tell yourself that every problem has a solution.
  3. Major problems - If it's pitch black on all eight sides, consult someone more experienced, someone who has been through similar experiences. They'll have a solution because they've been through it before, and importantly, they haven't been drowned in the problem like us. They can see a way out. Also, remember, you're not alone; many people love you, and you love them.

Many times, we see successful people's posts, and those people have faced countless challenges. They've fallen, crawled, and stumbled countless times. However, they fall into the category of never giving up, and that's why they share those experiences. Successful people create their own inspiration because they know one thing well: "If we have inspiration, we can harness that energy."

Some people wait for motivation, which means they need others to motivate them to work, rather than working for their own goals.

Today, if we want to create inspiration, don't care or worry too much about what others say. If we keep listening to criticism or judgment from others around us, someday we'll hear our family members' cries because of that. So, "don't let cheap tears destroy the valuable dreams" we have. We must protect our dreams.


  • If we're tired, we can be charcoal, but if we persevere, we'll become a diamond.
  • Dreams never expire; as long as we don't quit, we can continue working towards them.

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