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Leverage Power

Leverage Power

Doing an online business similarly but achieving different levels of success...

In reality, in our past experiences, we all have succeeded at something. However, each success story is not equal, and importantly, it hasn't been able to transform our lives.

Some succeeded in regular jobs, saw their salaries rise but felt they had more potential and ventured into their own businesses. However, doing a business without a system is simply hiring oneself for work in one's own business. This cannot be stopped, it turns out to be more exhausting than before, and sometimes, the income is even less. Importantly, those without much prior experience might not survive.

But for those who have achieved high levels of success, allowing themselves to exit the system and let the system work for them, while they work less, is the secret in this. It is the dividing line between successful and unsuccessful people. It's the Leverage Power.

Everyone who succeeds will have leadership qualities because they cannot achieve such high success working alone within the limited time of just 24 hours a day and with their limited manpower. They need time, interest, skills, and resources from others to help.

Thus, the important task of leaders is to pass on these qualities within the organization:

  1. Belief must be empowering for the team, not undermining.
  2. Knowledge, no matter how much one has, is worthless if not put into action.
  3. Skills should be taught by doing continuously. Doing sporadically or discontinuously is equal to not doing. Every successful person, before achieving a little but gaining a lot, has to go through a phase of doing a lot but gaining little.

The beautiful beehive we see is not built by a single bee in a day. It takes continuous time and the collaborative effort of many bees, ultimately providing them a beautiful, clean beehive to live in together.

Today, if we want success and to break free from the cycle of just spinning the wheel, our job is to work continuously long enough for it to succeed, and be patient for success to come.

If we want success, we should listen and follow those who have succeeded. We will then become the average of them.

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