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Lesson from Mistakes

Lesson from Mistakes

The great success cannot be achieved by a single person. In this business, we see that a highly successful team arises from a united, mutually understanding team, leveraging each person's strengths to reinforce the team.

Certainly, in the early stages when we form a team, or in other words, newcomers in team building, letting them know and understand clearly as those who have been building for a long time is not feasible. Mistakes are bound to occur repeatedly for us to learn from them.

And importantly, large teams are always a coming together of people of varying ages, having gone through different experiences. Misunderstandings initially happen naturally.

What we need to do when conflicts or dissatisfaction arise is to forgive one another, learn from each other, to coexist as a team. When our common goal is the same, there is no reason not to learn and forgive one another.

Everyone has made mistakes in their past life. The first thing we must do is acknowledge our mistakes.

Acknowledging mistakes is not about drowning in the feeling that we are wrong all the time, unable to forgive ourselves and move forward to fix things. Good acknowledgment of mistakes is knowing that we've made mistakes, forgiving ourselves for the mistakes, and then correcting, improving, and changing them for the better.

Because those who can't forgive themselves can't possibly forgive others.

Forgiving others isn't about surrendering or being weak. But whenever we forgive others, the first person who benefits is ourselves. Because we train ourselves to be in a positive mindset, utilizing the energy to help develop ourselves rather than burning it in anger and frustration.

Therefore, when aiming for great success, we must have a great and robust team. The word 'forgiveness' is necessary when working together. The grand success cannot happen within small-hearted individuals.

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