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Leadership Traits

Leadership Traits

Leader is someone who may come from a position in the workplace, but Leadership is the quality of being a leader.

A good leader must possess leadership qualities, which consist of these 6 points:

  1. Must have the courage to step up and lead people, as without courage, there will be no followers.
  2. Must understand socializing and positioning because we need to work with others. If we do not socialize or position ourselves correctly, gaining respect or trust from others will be difficult.
  3. Must communicate and convey messages. If we succeed individually but the organization or team doesn't, growth becomes challenging.
  4. Must know how to listen and be a consultant. A good leader must act as a water filter, turning polluted water into clean water, not acting as a garbage bin that only accepts waste but doesn't dispose of it. Eventually, it will all rot together.
  5. Must have responsibility. When working together, mistakes can happen, and one must have the courage to accept them. Most importantly, communicate with oneself accurately. Seeing everything as an opportunity, not just as a problem.
  6. Have problem-solving abilities.

Encounter a problem, solve it, and move on...

If you want to have good leaders today, you don't need to search elsewhere. Make yourself a good leader first, and then you'll attract and pull in good and talented leaders yourself. It's the law of attraction already in place.

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