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Fable of Life Transformation: The Hospitable Water Jar

Fable of Life Transformation: The Hospitable Water Jar

Once there was a farmer who had two water pots to carry water from the river to his house every day.

His house was far from the river, and due to a crack in one of the pots, it leaked water along the way. Consequently, when he reached home, only one pot was half full instead of having both pots full as intended. The pot without leaks felt proud of doing its job well, while the leaky pot felt bad and complained to the farmer that it couldn't deliver water fully, unlike the other pot.

However, the farmer responded by saying, "Have you ever noticed that the path where you leak has beautiful flowers blooming along the way? Because I knew about your leaks, I planted flower seeds there."

When the water leaked from the pot along the way, it watered the seeds. Eventually, those flowers bloomed beautifully. The farmer would pick those flowers and adorn his house every day.

This story teaches us that everyone has imperfections. Instead of focusing on our weaknesses, we should develop our strengths. Sometimes, our weaknesses might contribute something valuable to our team, making it stronger. However, we should recognize our worth, knowing that we always have value.

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