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Enroll No Enforce

Enroll No Enforce
  • Enroll is the act of persuading someone to take action.
  • Enforce is the act of compelling someone to take action.

If we genuinely love or wish well for someone, be it our children, spouse, friends, our team, or our customers, we would choose to use the method of Enroll to encourage them to take action for their own benefit in what they need to do.

Some people use the phrase "wish well" with others, whether it's with their children or anyone else. However, the first time they say something, it might lack the skill of Enroll or simply telling a story, which may not result in action. Therefore, we need to reflect on ourselves to see if it's because our communication with them is unclear or if there's a lack of action.

However, there are some types of people who claim "I wish well, I love you" because they see the benefits they can gain from us, without considering the benefits we get from taking action. So, after using the Enroll method just once, if we don't follow through, they lose interest in us or use the Enforce method, making us feel pressured and not wanting to be close to those people.

Therefore, when seeking benefits from only one party, others can feel it. Never think that someone is ignorant or smarter than another. It's crucial that our actions are consistent, making them feel the goodwill we have to whatever extent they can sense.

But if we act consistently and there's still no action, it's their matter. We've given them a chance to pass through our lives while still maintaining consistency with those who appreciate and continue to grow.

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