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3 Components of Life Transformation

3 Components of Life Transformation

It doesn't matter what we used to be or what we did before. What matters is that today we choose to do something different...

We often say, 'Successful people succeed because they have good opportunities.' However, if we look closely, each and every one of us has opportunities coming into our lives. However, it's our own perspective that makes a difference. It's whether we see those opportunities and choose to seize them or let them slip away instead of grabbing them. That's what separates successful people from those who aren't successful at all.

Now, for those who see opportunities and seize them but wonder why their lives haven't improved, why they can't change for the better. There's one more crucial element: when we encounter opportunities and seize them, we must also 'have someone teach us.' Someone with real knowledge and skills in that particular field comes to teach us. This is essential to help us transform our lives.

But there's another factor that depends 100% on us, and that is whether we are like a glass full of water, ready to be taught and learn without any excuses or conditions.

Some people, who consider themselves smart and find it hard to believe others easily, may miss out on good opportunities. The key is to look at the results of their lives. 

Another thing that happens when people find opportunities, seize them, accept teachings, but still don't see improvements in their lives, is because they lack one thing: dedicating time to the business they are involved in. Some people work for 3-7 days and quit, while others only last a month and dream of achieving massive results. It's like planting bean sprouts and expecting results compared to growing a durian tree.

Doing an online business is a long-term venture that requires at least 3-5 years or, as some say, 5-10 years. It depends on how much time, physical effort, and determination we invest in our work.

Some claim they have no time. In reality, each of us on this planet has the same 24 hours a day. Successful individuals manage their time to achieve what they desire. In contrast, those who are not successful don't know how to manage their time, and, in the end, time manages their lives.

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