The iCon Group : Thailand's No.1 Online Company
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Embarking on the Path to Success: First Direction

Embarking on the Path to Success: First Direction

Before starting this business, have a conversation with yourself and determine whether the success you desire is a 'want' or a 'need,' as these two words carry significantly different meanings.

If we say it's just a 'want' or just something "we desire," it means we want it, but if we don't achieve it now, it's okay. We'll wait for the right time whenever that may be. It implies that we're just doing things casually. If the team calls us, we'll help, but we've never really created anything substantial for the team.

However, if we say we 'need' or 'must have' it, it means "we can't afford not to have it." It's like when King Taksin invaded and took over Chanthaburi; he ordered the destruction of all rice pots and curry pots and even burned the bridges. This means there's no turning back; we must move forward and win. This is success that transforms our lives.

We've been through at least 12 years of compulsory education, not to mention possibly obtaining a bachelor's degree. Even though we don't know if graduating will lead to a job, we still endure and continue. In this business, if we are dedicated and serious, it won't take more than 5 years. However, these 5 years will completely change our lives. So, what reasons could we have not to be serious about it?

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