The iCon Group : Thailand's No.1 Online Company
An Authorized Dealer of The iCon Group company

Don't be afraid to change.

Don't be afraid to change.

Since the onset of COVID-19, it has led to the growth of online businesses compared to other businesses that have had to partially close. However, running an online business does not guarantee success within a day, a month, or even a year, especially for those who don't fully understand it.

What we must do is to "stay long enough" and understand that this business is a "relationship business" that cannot be done alone to succeed. It requires a team, utilizing the resources within the team, utilizing the talents and abilities of each person to create a strong team. To stay in this business for a long time, we must have:

  1. Passion: Love for this profession, love for the team, love for the product. If we don't have love for the work we do, we won't stay with it for long.
  2. Knowledge: If we don't have knowledge about what we do, we won't be able to continue.
  3. Belief: This is crucial because belief is the ultimate fuel for success. It is the top-level energy source in driving us. The first belief we must have is to believe in "our own success." Initially, we may not believe in ourselves. We must lead ourselves to learn to gather evidence of success. It will help us realize that this business is something we can entrust our lives to. If we don't do this, we won't have faith.

Belief comes directly from taking action. The more results we see from taking action, the more we believe. And the more we put ourselves into action, the more it will increase our belief.

When we step into this business anew, we are like small batteries that run out after a while. When we face the first few problems, we may feel disheartened. We must lead ourselves to learn and receive positive energy. We need to continue doing this until we become a dynamo that can charge ourselves. When that time comes, we will be able to share our energy with others.

Most importantly, we must learn, study, and stay long enough to become professionals in this business.

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