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The Heart of an Entrepreneur

The Heart of an Entrepreneur

The intersection between a professional entrepreneur and a professional employee is the willingness to work beyond just the wages or monetary compensation received.

Because those with the heart of an entrepreneur understand that the more they put in, the skills gained will stay with them for a lifetime.
These individuals will see their own value and won't judge their worth based solely on the salary paid by someone else or on how much others say they are worth.

The 5 Rules of Being an Entrepreneur

  1. Leak success; there's no 'why not,' only 'how to.' Successful people initiate action, they don't just wait.
  2. Manage risk; they don't spend the business's earnings carelessly until they have some leftover. They use money according to their situation, not frugal to the point that it seems more of a burden on the team than an asset. They understand that saving isn't the path to wealth; knowing how to use and generate money differently is.
  3. Think big, not small; whether one thinks big or small, time is spent the same. When thinking big, problems become small, but when thinking small, problems become big.
  4. Trust and believe in yourself; even if the whole world believes you can but you are the only one who doesn't, it won't come true. Because you are the one who needs to take action.
  5. Understand the uncertainty of business; in every business, there are ups, downs, and unpredictable moments. If you understand it, you'll find ways to manage and deal with those times, particularly your emotions.

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