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Life-changing Fable: The Newbie Hen

Life-changing Fable: The Newbie Hen

Once, there was a mother hen about to lay her first egg. After she diligently sat on the egg until it hatched into chicks, she took care of her offspring very well. One day, a passing dog approached. The hen flapped her wings and made loud noises, scaring the dog away. However, the dog left as soon as it glanced back at the chicks. When the hen turned to look at her babies again, all of her chicks had died, leaving none behind.

This fable teaches us that getting excited about news without verifying it first and then passing it on to our team or clients might lead to losing everything. This happens especially when we are newcomers without much prior experience.

Therefore, when there is any bad news or rumors, it's important to verify it before believing and especially before passing it on to others. Seeking advice from experienced mentors or team leaders who have encountered similar situations before would be wiser.

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