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Life Turnaround Tale: The Dog and the Shadow

Life Turnaround Tale: The Dog and the Shadow

A dog once had a piece of meat and walked by a river. It saw a large piece of meat's shadow in the water, bigger than the piece it had. The dog dropped the piece it had in its mouth to grab the bigger piece in the water. But in the end, it got nothing because the piece it dropped sank, and the larger piece it desired was merely a deceptive reflection.

This tale teaches us that when "greed meets foolishness," it can lead to losing what we already have.

Similarly, many people hope to get rich without wanting to do anything, also known as "get-rich-quick schemes." They are lured by the promise of quick wealth without putting in the effort. However, there is no reality in getting rich quickly without doing anything. It's selling dreams. Everything requires consistent, earnest effort to yield results.

Today, if someone tells us that there's a shortcut to get rich quickly without doing anything, remember that it's a deception. If we can't control our own greed, we'll likely end up losing what we currently have.

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