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The Life-Changing Tale: The Horse and the Donkey

The Life-Changing Tale: The Horse and the Donkey

A merchant was going to trade in another city. He had one horse and one donkey to carry his goods. However, due to the donkey being smaller and weaker than the horse, he asked for help from the horse. But instead of assisting, the horse not only refused but also ridiculed and mocked the donkey. Eventually, the donkey became exhausted and asked the horse for help for the last time before dying of a broken heart. Yet, the horse still refused to help. In the end, the donkey died from a broken heart.

Afterward, the owner placed the load from the donkey onto the horse's back. At this point, the horse realized the exhaustion the donkey had endured and the distance that was still far to cover. It was destined to die from a broken heart, just like the donkey.

This tale teaches us that sometimes, even if something doesn't concern us directly, eventually, we may have to bear the burden or the distress in some way or another. Therefore, whatever assistance we can offer to others, we should, as long as humans still depend on one another, and we shouldn't believe it doesn't concern us.

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