The iCon Group : Thailand's No.1 Online Company
An Authorized Dealer of The iCon Group company

The Life-Changing Story: The Dedicated Nurse

The Life-Changing Story: The Dedicated Nurse

A newly graduated nurse took charge of assisting in a surgical procedure alongside the doctor. After the successful surgery of a patient, she noticed that a piece of gauze was missing while the doctor was about to close the wound. She insisted and argued not to let the doctor close the wound until the missing gauze was found.

Despite the doctor's assurance that it was okay, she persisted in not allowing the doctor to close the wound until the missing gauze was found. Although the doctor seemed displeased afterward, which undoubtedly could affect her work as a new nurse, she remained steadfast in her decision.

In the end, the doctor pulled out the missing gauze from his pocket and said, "This is the gauze you were looking for. It was never missing. It was all a test to see if you would remain honest and responsible as a nurse, accountable for the patient's life."

This story highlights the importance of standing firm in what one believes, regardless of the challenges faced. It exemplifies the essence of perseverance and integrity.

Similarly, the story of the new nurse who stood her ground until the missing gauze was found, despite being scolded and criticized, resonates with this principle.

In today's world, many lack this fundamental quality and often give up easily on their convictions, especially when influenced by those around them, even if it affects their lives significantly.

We must stand firm that this online business can change our lives for the better, even though some people look down on it and may not believe, especially those closest to us who often express concerns. It might be well-intentioned, but it's based on a genuine misunderstanding.

Don't let cheap opinions destroy the priceless dreams we hold.

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