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Contractual Intern

Contractual Intern

It's been a while, when will it be completed? If we ask ourselves this question, that although we've been doing this business for a long time, why hasn't it succeeded yet?

How much longer until we succeed? The answer is, 'It takes as long as we are willing to change our own habits.'

If our old habits were 'habits of success,' then we would have succeeded long ago. But they weren't. Thus, we have never truly succeeded.

Therefore, the first thing we need to do for success is to accept and adapt. Whether change is difficult or easy depends solely on ourselves. If we are ready to change, it's easy. But if we resist becoming someone different, it's hard.

Whether we will succeed or not depends on what we tell ourselves. If we say we can succeed, then we are right. But if we say someone like us can't do it, then that's also right because you've convinced yourself with that sentiment.

To change ourselves, we need to be a 'contractual intern' with ourselves first. Every successful person has this aspect. They walked a path where progress had both fast and stagnant moments.

It's about who will learn, correct, develop, and move forward. Many who say they can't do it are afraid it might not be worth the effort.

Now, if we ask ourselves if we're tired now and if it's worth it, are we providing money for our parents? Are we sending our children to school? Are we renting or paying installments for our homes? Do we have a used or new car? How safe are we?

Before anyone succeeds, they gather experiences before profits, collect pride before success, everyone does that.

Today, if you want to be successful, are you a good contractual intern with yourself?

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