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Choosing the people you associate with is crucial, no matter the scale of your life.

Choosing the people you associate with is crucial, no matter the scale of your life.

People who achieve success on a global scale, such as Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and many others, may share similar characteristics, but there's another crucial factor: the people they associate with. Whether it's their close companions, friends, or even their team, the company they keep is of paramount importance.

Even Mark Zuckerberg once stated that if he were to give any advice for success, it would be to 'choose your associates' because our thoughts, or the most important sources of influential thoughts, are shaped by the people we associate with. If we frequently listen to the voices of those we are close to, our thinking will be influenced accordingly.

There is a story about a Lyft driver who, by listening to Lyft's CEO speak on the phone frequently, invested his salary from driving into Lyft stocks, resulting in a significant profit.

Therefore, we must carefully choose the people we associate with because these individuals become the sources that shape our thoughts, ultimately determining the course of our lives.

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