The iCon Group : Thailand's No.1 Online Company
An Authorized Dealer of The iCon Group company

Does The iCon Group deceive?

Does The iCon Group deceive?

The article you are about to read may have come from clicking on search results displayed prominently on Google.

First and foremost, it must be clarified that what you are about to read is merely one perspective or viewpoint. It does not aim to boast, promote, settle disputes, or even endorse any specific brands, individuals, or anything else.

The iCon Group is an online sales brand. If compared to other brands from a sales perspective, it almost seems similar. We are agents, we receive goods to sell and make a profit from the margin. It is a buy-and-sell business that is "no different" from others.

The point lies in the fact that in reality, not everyone is ready to be a salesperson. Although in theory, it is said that we are all "selling" ourselves to the people around us in society all the time, when it comes to selling products or services, it becomes another matter, another perspective that needs to be adapted and presented. It's not that everyone is ready to sell, even if in thought they might be fully prepared.

It depends on learning, skills, patience, and time, or even those who are guiding examples...

It's evident that regardless of the brand, there must be people who can sell. Selling well or poorly is like water and tide. At the same time, someone dreaming of achieving high sales due to good products, good prices, or good marketing might fail simply because the only element is "themselves."

Moreover, the reality is that when we make mistakes, the ultimate blame that can be attributed is "ourselves."

When things don't go as expected, the first thing we tend to do is find a "scapegoat" for our faults. Blame this, blame that, blame endlessly, except for ourselves. And the easiest and most common thing to blame is the "company" that serves as a representative, because it's the "easiest" way to avoid blame and look good in the eyes of others.

This blaming trend often occurs: when sales are poor, blame the product; when sales are bad, blame the brand; when sales figures are disappointing, blame the team leader, blame the management, blame this, blame that... That's what generally happens.

But why is The iCon Group viewed as "deceptive," "fraudulent," etc.?

Because this is a large company, the number one online company that many people across the country know. It has tens of thousands of main agents. And this is what sets it apart from other brands: not everyone who joins can sell as previously mentioned. When they can't continue and decide to step out, what do you think they tell the people around them...

The "scapegoat" mentioned extensively here is the source of negative rumors, even becoming a trending search term in Google...

So is it "what they say... true"?

The answer depends on how you've heard things from whichever side and what conclusions you've drawn. The answer lies within you.

Don't believe anything simple until you have both "information" and "evidence." For the writer, having once had a "negative" mindset turned into someone who decides to be a part of The iCon Group today is because of the decision made after considering "information" and "evidence" from what was mentioned earlier. I won't expand further, as I believe you can search, find, and evaluate various information created by the company, which has made The iCon Group the number one online business in Thailand today.

The most important thing and the thing to use in every situation no matter what you do is "awareness."

Because no matter where you are or who you do business with, whether a small or big brand, especially if you're a newcomer, please understand that "every salesperson must have the spirit of a hunter." This is an undeniable truth. The question is, when you decide to step into it, are you mentally prepared to develop yourself? Because if you make a business decision without awareness, you'll become your own "victim." By creating a beautiful and luxurious illusion in your mind, going along with persuasive words, persuading in a similar way to selling something that wasn't sold to anyone else, but only to yourself... And finally, when you regain awareness, you'll do the same as other human beings, which is to find a "scapegoat" to throw the blame, just to free yourself from the feeling of wrong decisions, which you made without awareness.

And this is information and evidence from awards received from various organizations, just a part that will help confirm whether The iCon Group is deceiving or not?

The iCon Group - Awards received from various organizations
The iCon Group - Awards received from various organizations
The iCon Group has been awarded the Consumer Protection Beneficiary Award on Consumer Protection Day 2565. This award is like a confirmation of how much care, honesty, and straightforwardness The iCon Group shows towards consumers.

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